2015년 12월 12일 토요일

Let me introduce my mento~~ from now on~~~

I live in korea.
I am soooo a proud of it because I met my Lord and soul mento here.
Actually I couldn't speak and write english well.
So I didn't challenge to do everything.
Besides I couldn't speak english, I didn't have confidence about my life and myself.
The fact made  me embarrassed.

But after I met my mento Jung myung suk, my life has returned.
He always has said about God's love.
"You can do everything in God's will." said he.
He has showed up God's love.
Before I met him, God's love was far away from me.
But after I met him, have confidence.
I am so curious about my life and now.
From now on I introduce about my mento.
You may expect good.^^ In korea....^^; please help me~~^^

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